International Yoga Day

3 min readJun 21, 2021

By Shalini Agrawal

Antiquity of International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 across the world. It was observed for the first time in 2015. The United Nations General Assembly established June 21 as “International Yoga Day.” It is an ancient form of physical, mental and spiritual exercise which helps achieve mental and physical fitness.

Redefining Togetherness

The theme of International Day Yoga 2021 is ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family.

In this pandemic, it is risky to go outside and take part in group activities. International Day of Yoga 2021 theme focuses upon telling people to stay motivated at home and adopt a healthy lifestyle by doing exercise and yoga. Exercise helps us to stay optimistic and yoga helps us to explore new ideas to spend time and earn money without going outside. Let’s appreciate the theme 2021 of International Yoga Day and practice yoga at home until this curse of COVID-19 leaves us.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga as a practice has innumerable benefits that positively affects an individual both physically and mentally.

  • Practising yoga on a regular basis uplifts your mood instantly as it leaves your body with refreshing energy.
  • Practising yoga on a daily basis enhances the blood circulation in the body. This enables oxygenation in the body due to which there is a significant reduction in the blood pressure as the body calms down.
  • Yoga teaches how to control and how to balance. With regular practice, your body will automatically assume the right stance. You will look both confident and healthy.
  • When you are on your yoga mat, you focus on the practice. This means that all your focus is concentrated on the matter at hand, and your mind slowly drains out the stress and troubles that are plaguing it.
  • When you practice yoga, repressed feelings surface. While you may feel sad, the negative energy is released. This helps to combat depression.
  • Performing yoga every day will eventually result in better concentration and in less than eight weeks of yoga practice, you will find yourself more motivated.
  • The breathing and meditation enables you to disengage from your thoughts. This helps you calm down. With everyday yoga practice, you will notice how the calmness is no longer just a part of your practice — it becomes a way of life!

Yoga Asanas to help Body & Mind during pandemic

  1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

2. Anulom Vilom

3. Uttanasana (Standing forward fold)

4. Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose)

5. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Let’s be with the theme of International Yoga Day 2021, and celebrate it with our family at home. Let’s practice some yoga for good health and peace of mind that one needs to cope up with the pandemic situation all around.

Stay healthy and safe.

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